Craft Beer, Wine & Spirits Are Gifts That Are Never Returned!

Wine From 1010 Washington Wine & Spirits - Makes A Great Holiday Gift .jpg

Happy Hannukah (Started last night, December 22 at sundown), Go Vikings! (Tonight, December 23), Merry Xmas! (You probably have the dates down on this one), Happy Kwanzaa! (Thursday, December 26-January 1.)

This must be why they call this “the Holiday Season”. There is so much to celebrate in so little time the next two weeks. What fun!!

1010 Washington Wine & Spirits in downtown Minneapolis is stocked up to the gills with great wines, spirits and craft beers to enhance your holiday/tailgating experience. Did I forget to mention that nobody ever returns the gift of a bottle of something that is good to drink? I fear that I did! It bears repeating. That someone who has everything is going to appreciate that bottle or case that you picked up at the last minute because you couldn’t think of something else to get them. Our advice is to skip the angst and come to see us first!

I suppose that it is because this is more important to us than to the rest of you whose lives do not revolve around the sale of beverage alcohol, but I am surprised at the number of you who have not mentioned the proposed tariffs on wines and spirits coming from the United Kingdom and the European Union that the President has threatened to impose on January 14th. Should you be among the many who have missed this, let me be the bearer of bad tidings.

Single Malt Scotch (with Great Britain leaving the European Union, we don’t understand this) and all cordials and liqueurs from the EU as well as all wines, regardless of alcoholic content or bubbles, will have a 100% tariff imposed should they arrive in the US on or after January 14th. That’s right, they are DOUBLING the price! The dispute arises over a French proposal to tax Amazon, Google and Facebook 3%.

We cannot tell you what is going to happen. We can only inform you of what the proposal is right now. We also do not know how much stock our suppliers have on European products. We can tell you that we will not raise prices until we have to. We suggest, however, that if there is something you like, you might want to stock up now.

Effective January 2nd, the City Council has mandated that we charge you 5 cents for every bag you require for your purchases. We are going to have to ask you about bags on every transaction. There are no words…

Just so you know, we are going to close the store at 5PM on December 24th and reopen on December 26th at 8AM. On New Year’s Eve, we will stay open until 8PM and reopen on January 2nd at 8AM. We will take orders for delivery up to one hour before closing on those two days.

All this being said, we wish each and every one of you a joyous holiday…whichever you celebrate, and may 2020 be the best year ever! Thank you for all the support you have shown us these past five years. Thank you for reading this.